In an unknown future, on a place far from earth, a terrible cataclysm befell an entire planet. The world was left a barren, radiation scarred wasteland, devoid of life, but for a few hardy mold spores. Somehow, encased in their strong outer spore coat and cortex they managed to survive, barely. For three hundred years these spores laid dormant, blasted by wind and rain, and continually bombarded with intense radiation. Over time this radiation began to transform the moulds. Slowly, almost imperceptibly at first, they began to change. Pieces of technology the planets’ former inhabitants left behind somehow fused with the moulds as they began to germinate and grow again. Strange new beings came to life. Not moulds, not machines, but parts of each. These are the post apocalyptic moulds®, and these are their adventures…..”

Dear Disney/Pixar,
The post apocalyptic moulds® are available for a full range of content licensing deals. They appeal to a broad demographic including males and females (mostly males) ages 6-18 and both male and female geeks, nerds, and dorks of all ages. Parents love them too because they are educational. Teach your kids about microbiology while they play with irradiated mutant moulds loaded for bear with stabbing weapons and guns of every type. It sells itself. Best of all the PA moulds are franchise ready. They are perfectly positioned for television, movie, and internet series and movies, make fun and exciting toys for boys, and cute and cuddly stuffed animals for girls. They even come color coated, red for boys and blue for girls. You could not ask for a better fit for people’s preconceived notions of which toys are for boys and which are better suited for girls. Best of all, even if your little boy (accidentally) picks up and starts playing with a blue mold you wont’t have to worry about his friends and dad calling him a fruit because, unlike most toys for girls, even the blue moulds are cool. You are not going to come across an opportunity like this again, I promise. I await your phone call……
Sincerely, Everyday Junglist